Flossing Teeth Boosts Heart Health

You already know that brushing and flossing can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that good oral hygiene may be just as important for the health of your heart. For years, scientists have known that a protein associated with inflammation, called C-Reactive Protein (CRP), is consistently elevated in individuals who are at risk for heart disease. The source of the inflammation responsible for the elevated CRP levels, however, has been more difficult to pinpoint. The results of a recent study conducted by researchers from Italy and the United Kingdom indicate that in some individuals, inflamed and infected gums may be the culprit. Their findings suggest that proper dental hygiene may significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Dentists have long recommended regular brushing and flossing to help prevent periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. Periodontal disease is the result of a bacterial infection that attacks the gums and other tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. The condition starts with the buildup of dental plaque -- a sticky, colorless film formed by a combination of oral bacteria and their waste products. Small amounts of newly formed dental plaque are practically invisible, but when allowed to accumulate, the substance creates noticeable deposits on the teeth. Left untreated, dental plaque extends below the gum line and injures periodontal tissues that hold the teeth in place. Signs and symptoms of periodontal disease range from bad breath and bleeding gums to painful dental abscesses and, ultimately, tooth loss. The same bacteria that produce infections in the mouth can wreak havoc elsewhere in the body, particularly in the blood vessels. Research suggests that individuals with periodontal disease are nearly twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease as those with good oral health. Scientists at Boston University School of Medicine discovered that when young, healthy mice were infected with bacteria known to cause periodontal disease, they developed fatty plaques in the blood vessels surrounding the heart. When the infected mice were later compared to healthy mice, they were found to have significantly greater blockages in their coronary arteries. A recent human study produced similar findings. For the study, researchers examined the carotid arteries of 35 otherwise healthy volunteers with mild to moderate periodontal disease both before and after dental treatment. One year after receiving treatment for their periodontal disease, the volunteers were found to have significant reductions in the number of oral bacteria present and fewer signs of inflammation. They also exhibited a reduction in blood vessel thickening, indicating an improvement in atherosclerosis and a lower risk of heart disease. In addition to cardiovascular illnesses, periodontal disease appears to share a link with other serious medical conditions. Individuals with diabetes are at least four times more likely to develop periodontal disease than their non-diabetic counterparts. Diabetes is known to increase susceptibility to all types of infections, including those of the mouth. Periodontal disease, in turn, can make blood sugar levels more difficult to control, leading to a worsening of diabetes. Several studies have demonstrated a close relationship between periodontal disease and osteoporosis, especially in women. Bone loss, low levels of the female hormone estrogen and advancing age are characteristics shared by both conditions. Pregnant women with periodontal disease have been found to be seven times more likely to give birth to pre-term, low-birth-weight infants than women without the condition. The premature deliveries are believed to be caused by elevated levels of prostaglandin, a labor-inducing chemical produced by oral bacteria. Scientists at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine recently identified a strong association between periodontal disease and chronic respiratory illnesses. The researchers found that as periodontal disease progressed in individuals, their lung function tended to decline. Fortunately, periodontal disease can be prevented and successfully treated. Since tobacco use is an important risk factor for periodontal disease, avoiding the use of smokeless tobacco and abstaining from smoking cigarettes, pipes and cigars can dramatically improve oral health. Adequate nutrition is important for maintaining healthy teeth, gums and other tissues in the mouth. Preliminary studies suggest that certain nutrients, including vitamin C, folic acid and coenzyme Q10, may help reduce periodontal infection and inflammation, while promoting healing and regeneration of damaged gums. Proper brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups can significantly reduce the risk of periodontal disease. Improving the appearance of your smile is a great way to boost the health of your heart.
€. Pasta Gigi Mu’min

Merupakan pasta gigi khusus yang mengandung ekstrak asli akar sugi yang pertama di dunia. Tidak mengandung alkohol, bersih dan halal.

Akar sugi atau siwak merupakan sejenis kayu yang berasal dari tanah Arab, yang dapat bermanfaat untuk menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut.

Akar Sugi atau Siwak sudah digunakan sejak zaman Nabi, dimana diriwayatkan dalam beberapa hadist, antara lain

. “Bersiwak itu sebagai pembersih mulut dan diridhoi oleh Allah” (hadist Riwayat
Ahmad VI/47, 62, 124. An-Nasa’I no.5 dan Bukhari menyebutkannya secara ta’liq
dalam bab As-Siwak Ar-Ruthbuwa Al-Yabisa Li Ash-Shaim II/682).
. “Bersugi itu menjadi penawar dan obat segala penyakit kecuali mati”. (Riwayat Al-
Dailami Aisyah).

Keunggulan Pasta Gigi Mu’min

. Pasta gigi dengan ekstrak asli akar sugi pertama di dunia
. Pasta gigi Mu’min merupakan pasta gigi yang bebas Fluoride
. Aman walaupun terkonsumsi
. Ekstrak akar sugi bermanfaat untuk menguatkan gigi dan gusi, membersihkan karang
gigi, mencegah gigi berlubang, memutihkan gigi, menghilangkan bengkak gusi,
mencegah gusi berdarah, mengatasi pecah-pecah bibir dan menjaga kesegaran mulut
sepanjang hari.

Kandungan pasta gigi Mu’min ekstrak asli akar sugi (Siwak), lemon, ros, mint dan cengkeh yang memberikan rasa nyaman pada mulut dan melindungi gigi.

€. Pasta Gigi All White

Produk All White hadir untuk anda sekeluarga yang menyadari pentingnya perawatan kesehatan gigi dan mulut.

All White merupakan produk pasta gigi yang diciptakan dengan teknologi tinggi abad 21 yang diformulasikan secara ilmiah untuk perlindungan terhadap kebersihan gigi.

Kandungan utama All White 38% Micro Particle Precarb Calcium yang bermanfaat untuk membentuk lapisan email baru gigi dan menambal lubang email gigi yang umumnya hilang akibat abrasive sewaktu menyikat gigi.

Keunggulan Pasta gigi All White:

. Dari segi rasa yang lezat dirongga mulut, karena mengandung sari daun mint yang mem
berikan rasa segar sewaktu menyikat gigi.
. Mengandung senyawa derivat fluoride yang tidak merusak gigi yaitu SMFP (Sodium
monofluorophosphate), yang dapat melindungi lapisan email gigi, mengurangi sifat
asam yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas bakteri dalam mulut, sebagai anti bakteri dan
mencegah kerusakan gigi.
. Mengandung kalsium aktif yang bermanfaat untuk memperkuat gigi dan gusi
. Tidak mengandung detergent seperti pasta gigi lainnya
. Bebas dari kandungan gula.

Manfaat Pasta Gigi All White

. Membantu dan melindungi lapisan e-mail baru gigi
. Menambal lubang e-mail gigi
. Memperkuat gigi dan gusi
. Membersihkan dan membantu gigi tampak lebih putih
. Mencegah gigi berlubang dan mengangkat lapisan plak
. Mencegah kerusakan gigi
. Menyegarkan nafas dan menjadikan mulut terasa bersih dan segar.

Pasta gigi All White hadir dengan 2 kemasan dengan rasa yang berbeda.
All White blue dengan rasa Cool Mint dan All White Red dengan rasa Extra mint yang memberikan kesegaran mulut anda sepanjang hari.

Contact e-mail: oke-financial@plasa.com

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